We’re celebrating 25 years.

Catching the Light · Watercolor Student Show

Join us for an opening reception Saturday, April 26th, from 5pm - 7pm.


Allison Aldrich

Maaike Bouwmeester

Maggie Burud

Laura Cahill

Theresa Clare

Evelyn Diesing

Claudia Engel

Betsy Gellatly

Gina Ginsberg

Marilee Hobbs

Suzanne Holzberg

Ann Marie Kenny

Kate Kester

Kim Kester

Cheryl Martinez

Alissa Morris

Krista Morris

Lorna Schipp

Susan Spivak

Vivian Todini

Art Gallery

We are an art studio and gallery displaying invitational group and solo exhibitions, in addition to the works of Betsy Jacaruso.

Gallery Hours

Friday 11-5pm
Saturday 11-5pm
Sunday 11-4pm

Rhinebeck Courtyard, Suite 2
43 E. Market Street, Rhinebeck, New York

Current Students are invited to participate

We invite students who have taken classes within the last 6 months or so to participate in this year’s Watercolor Student Show. Open to any level!
If this is your first time showing you may mark your artwork NFS. All other works should be for sale.

Exhibition dates:  April 26 – May 11, 2025
Opening reception: Sat. April 26, 5-7 pm

Form to be filled out by:
Wednesday, March 26

Artwork Drop-off dates:
*Hanging Fee due at drop-off $15

Friday April 18, 10 - 4 pm
Saturday, April 19, 12 - 4 pm
Tuesday April 22, 10 - 2pm

Artwork Pick-up dates:

Tuesday, May 13, 10 - 2 pm
Friday, May 16, 10 - 4 pm

Artwork Specs for Submission

Submit 1-2 watercolor paintings created in our classes or inspired by your experience at our studio. Please do not submit work created in other art schools.

Size: up to 16 x 20" framed each (fits a quarter sheet paper)
Please no black frames or sawtooth hangers.
If you have questions please reach out.

Subject: Our title, “Catching the Light,” allows flexibility of subject matter.
If you wish, you can with Betsy in class on what you want to submit. 

Framing Options Available
order by 3/15

Reach out to us!

Let us know as soon as possible that you intend to participate. Form & fee do not need to be completed in order to RSVP.

The $15 hanging is also due at artwork drop-off.
Cash or check is preferred.

If you do not have a google account to complete the form above, please use the form linked here.

Past Exhibits