Reference Photos -
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Looking for Beginner Series photos? Click here
UPCOMING REFERENCE PHOTOS for Virtual Classes - Sign-up here
February 16 - Thursday 2 pm → Puerto Vallarta 2: Street View
March 2 - Thursday 2 pm → Puerto Vallarta 1: Sunset
March 16- Thursday 2 pm →
PAST Reference photos
February 2 - Thursday 2 pm → Puerto Vallarta: Flowers
January 19- Thursday 2 pm → Electric Sky / Clouds
December 15, 2022 - Thursday 2 pm → Landscape
December 1, 2022 - Thursday 2 pm → Landscape
November 17, 2022 - Thursday 2 pm → Flowers
November 3, 2022 - Thursday 2 pm → Lighthouse
October 27, 2022 -Thursday 2pm → Sail Boat
Thursday 2pm - September 14, 2022 →
Thursday 2pm - September 8, 2022 →
Wednesday 1 pm - August 31, 2022 →
Wednesday 1 pm - August 17, 2022 → Beatrix Farrand Garden Gate Door
October 13, 2021. → (Version 1) (Version 2)
June 5 Sat. (Version-1) (Version-2)
April 24 Sat. → Credit Gail Bennek
March 24 Wednesday → *Updated
March 17 Wednesday → *Updated
March 13 Saturday → *Updated
Feb 20 Saturday → Credit Kathy S.
2020 References
Nov. 23/24 → Holiday schedule Monday virtual instead of Wed/Sat.
Nov. 20/21 → photo credit Kate Kester
Nov. 3/4 → Don’t forget to Vote!!
October 30/31 → Happy Halloween! Credit: Jeremy Monaco, @rbkbagel
October 27/28 → Continuation of the same spot from last Wed., but with added elements and complexity
October 23/24 → (Inventing color, working from b&w)
October 6/7 2 versions, Vandenburg Cove → 1-Warm & 2-Cool
September 26 → Create a Series: Same image, three versions.
September 5 - Cottage at the Cape →
Extra: September 5 - Study →
September 2 - Watercolor at the Cape WEEK 1 (Pre-recored Video) →
August 26 - Watercolor at the Cape WEEK 2 (Pre-recored Video) →
Exploring Value & Color in Landscape Series Aug. 15, 19, 22
(Download both)
Credit: “Springtime,” John Twachtman, ca. 1884, oil on canvas, 36 7/8 x 50”
August 18 Watercolor in the Courtyard → Credit: “Springtime,” John Twachtman, ca. 1884, oil on canvas, 36 7/8 x 50”
August 4/5 - Landscape → Credit Christina Duffy
July 11 - Landscape → Burger Hill Grasses, Credit: Marybeth Cale
July 7/8 - Landscape → Burger Hill Sunset, Credit: Marybeth Cale
June 30/July 1 - Landscape - Blithewood →
June 24 Landscape - Vanderbilt →
May 13 Landscape → Photo Credit: Kathleen Herde, Instagram: @KathleenHerde
May 6 Landscape → Credit: The Weather Channel :)
April 29 Botanical → (Photo credit: Bella Fiori Floral Co. Instagram @bellafiori_floralco)
April-22 Landscape - Mountain Scene →
April-18 Still Life / Botanical JPG → (Photo Credit: Hope Paper Flowers Company Instagram @hopepaperflowers)
April-15 Landscape - Tropical Storm JPG →
April-11 Landscape - Bear Mountain Bridge JPG → (Photo credit: Raymond Mair Photography)